Workin’ Man

Workin’ man,
strong workin’ hands,
rack up 60 hours
just to keep these lands.

Workin’ man,
calloused burned hands,
can fall asleep
right where he stands.

Workin’ man,
sinewy tight limbs,
If you had 80 donuts a day
you’d still be trim.

Workin’ man,
broad freckled back,
your walk is fire,
gaze gives heart attacks.

Workin’ man,
sore tired feet,
worth so much more
than the metal you beat.

Working man,
tired aching eyes,
Can fix any God damn thing,
That you’ve ever tried.

Workin’ man,
enormous beating heart,
I think it must be
my favorite part.

Workin’ man,
golden green-eyed Shine,
thank God each day
that you are all mine.

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