
Life shouldn’t be perfect. Your garden need not be planted in meticulous rows. Your hedges don’t need constant trimming. Your porch doesn’t need fresh paint each year. You have too many throw pillows. And they all came from the same big box store that your neighbor shops in.

All of your clothes don’t beg to be ironed. Your makeup shouldn’t be touched up after each meal. Your weight has no magic number. Your children’s outfits don’t have to match. Neither do their socks.

Your perfect life speak volumes about you. But it’s not the story you wish it to tell. To the discerning eye, your perfection looks compulsive. It feels anxious. It creates a cold and unwelcoming world.

Chipped paint and poked screens are fanciful. A weedy garden says your too busy having fun for chores. A house full of whimsy and character rarely looks perfect. Instead, it tells a more unique and interesting tale.

Grey hair whispers wisdom. A fresh face looks honest. Wrinkled clothes and chipped toenail polish are more approachable. And curves are part of the milkshake recipe that brings all the boys to the yard.

Dandelions are resilient. And wrinkles prove you are a fine wine. So please, remember, you need not be perfect all the time.

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