Smart Heart

Smart Heart.
She knows what’s good for you.

And not just heart smart
like Cheerios or oatmeal.
Smart Heart has hugs for breakfast
and a cat nap after lunch.

Smart Heart actually does her guided meditations,
but not every day
(since she doesn’t obsess).

Smart Heart has just a little coffee,
a bit o’ wine
and sometimes a whiskey while at a restaurant,
to help digest her dinner.

Smart Heart plays.
She likes tea parties
and dinosaur wars.
Smart Heart likes dress up and Clue
and scented baths
with bathtub crayons.

Smart Heart doesn’t play
with people who are corrosive,
or toxic or mean.
She just walks away from them.
She also doesn’t play with fire.
She prefers warm to very hot.

Smart Heart walks.
She thinks about running,
but that’s for Strong Heart,
another guy.

Smart Heart does dance though.
She likes music
that tickles her toes
and wiggles her nose.

Smart Heart snuggles.
Smart heart cuddles.
She also kisses
and sniffs baby heads.

Smart heart might not be great at math,
but she gets by.
She is, however,
well versed in whimsy
and magical thinking.
She loves poems, stories,
and impromptu campfire songs.

Smart Heart is mine.
And though I don’t listen to her all the time,
I’m pretty sure
she doesn’t get mad at me for that.

Smart Heart,
thank you for sharing your wisdom.
You keep me warm, still.
And when no one else will.
Thank you for nudging me,
when you sense trickery
(Smart Heart has a nose for that).

I was just thinking how wonderful
it is that I have you,
sweet, Smart Heart.
You are the best gift
I never knew I needed so much.

And if Sour or Strong,
Achey or Wrong
take your place for too long—
I got you girl.
I’ll hug you
and sing you a song.

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