The Biting

He bit my cheek. Drew blood. Tore at my hand like a rag doll. He kept coming at me. Small, all black with brown eye brows. A ravenous dog who thought I was a juicy bone.

I bit down in my sleep. I clenched my jaw. I felt my fire swarm. My anger had claws.

I bit my lip. I paced inside of myself. I busied myself with this and that. It was all too much, yet still not enough.

Something is biting at me. Aggression, pain, fear or distain. An angry potion, with no magic cure.

All I can think, is maybe it’s you. You died this month, 4 years ago. And I found a lost Raggedy Ann doll yesterday in the bins. For sure a gift from you.

All I can do, to calm this swelling— the swollen bite, is to not think of you, at all. My dreams are stormy, my days are dark. But it’s actually bright out, sunny and warm… so why can’t I fucking get away from this swarm?

He bit his cheek, while chewing gum. Drew blood. She skinned her knee, while holding dandelion wishes of you. Her sister bloodied her nose, boxing in her sleep? And his back hurts. God Damn, we all miss you.

Thanks for the creepy cute doll. Sending love from us all. I am really hoping you come see me soon in a dream. And please, don’t bite me.

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